BSW-SCWK - Bachelor of Social Work in Social Work

Social Work Undergraduate Baccalaureate


Program Long Title

Bachelor of Social Work in Social Work

Program Description

The Bachelor of Social Work Program offers a generalist practice focus. Graduates are prepared to utilize the person and environment construct in working with individuals, families, groups, and communities. Generalist practice social workers value diversity, employ the use of professional ethics, and work to improve social and economic conditions.
Students completing requirements for the BSW will be prepared for beginning generalist social work practice in a wide range of organizations such as child welfare agencies, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, schools, and treatment centers for emotionally disturbed children and adults. The program provides undergraduate education and internship experience for working with individuals, small groups (including the family), organizations, and communities. National accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) allows graduates to become full members of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and to be eligible to become licensed social workers in states requiring licensing for employment.